the entrepreneurial walk towards audio success.

audiopreneur's mission is to inspire audio pros worldwide to turn passion into profit

about the project

Since the minute I felt how everything I dreamt of regarding my professional and financial life started to become real, I knew I needed to try to share everything I had learned with all who, as me, had tried to break the entrepreneurial barrier as a musician or audio professional for far too long without success.

Learning and making mistakes in this process to make it as an audio professional and artist have been the foundation for what this project is about: offering the resources, tools, strategies and sharing the thoughts on what it means to become an entrepreneur in the sound and music industry.

I'm not there yet, if there is somewhere real, but I am enjoying the ride and I want to take you with me on this journey.

why I do it

  • Times are changing. Those full-time gigs with company benefits for audio folks? They're becoming rarer by the day.

  • We gotta get savvy and start honing the skills to create our own business opportunities. It's all about taking charge of our own desire to succeed.

We have to create our own opportunities.
The best way to learn and overcome the fear of taking the leap is by doing.
  • Many of the resources, courses, and career coaches talking about entrepreneurship and professional development out there don't quite grasp the unique mindset of us artsy types.

  • They don't get how we feel about selling our work and making money without sometimes feeling like we're selling out.

  • But fear not, there's no need for a cold shower—just gotta learn some new skills and put them to use.

girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table
girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table
If I can do it, you can do it too.
  • I don't come from wealth, I don't have powerful connections, I'm an introvert, and I'm not the brightest bulb in the box.

  • But if I can make this work and see results, imagine what someone richer, more influential, more confident, and smarter than me could achieve?

  • Why wait to give it a shot?

Customer opinions

Audiopreneur me ha ayudado a transformar mi carrera en la industria del audio. ¡Altamente recomendado!

Gracias a Audiopreneur, he logrado monetizar mis habilidades de una manera que nunca creí posible.

Excelente plataforma para aprender sobre marketing y ventas en la industria del audio. ¡Muy útil!

Audiopreneur me ha dado las herramientas y el conocimiento para crecer mi negocio y alcanzar el éxito.



+57 321 307-4974